Important Work


“You are doing important work!”

Those words are inspiring, aren’t they? They ring of acknowledgement and appreciation, of hope and purpose.

Are you doing important work?

When we think of people who are doing important work maybe we think of an inspiring teacher, a brave solider, a proclaiming pastor or a reliable law enforcement officer. In our family we have farmers whose important work in providing quality, affordable food for the world.

Any job can be important work when it’s done according to principles of Scripture. Colossians 3:23-24 tells us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…It is the Lord Jesus Christ you are serving.”

Each of us a role or many roles beyond their professional occupation and sometimes these “unpaid” opportunities are the “important work” we are called to do.

I thinking of the mom who wakes up early and stays up late meeting the needs of her children. The father who patiently invests hours instructing his teenage son with impossible math homework. The friend who takes that call in the middle of the night from a distraught friend whose rebellious daughter didn’t come home. The grandparents who step up to fill in missing people in their grandchildren’s lives. The husband that makes personal sacrifices of career or leisure for the good of his family. Or the wife who loving follows her struggling husband as he tries imperfectly to lead their family.

This is important work. This is soul work.

You don’t have to be a missionary living overseas to being doing important soul work. You just have to be present, open and loving to those God has called you to around you.

You have important work. You can be an encourager, a supporter, a lover of people. You can bring joy, you can make a difference. You have important work.

Let’s keep busy working for this great cause, because “we know that we will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” (excerpted part of Colossians 3:23-24